HOLIDAY CLOSURE: We will be closed Monday, February 17th in observance of President's Day.


Rooted in the communities in which we serve, Fond du Lac Credit Union and our employees are dedicated to helping others in the community with a variety of initiatives each year.

Person holding money

Here’s How:

Financial Literacy

Year-round, Fond du Lac Credit Union sponsors and hosts financial literacy events and seminars for a wide variety of ages and topics. 

Lobby Fundraiser

FDLCU hosts a variety of fundraisers for local efforts or charities for members to participate in, such as: Children’s Miracle Network, Fond du Lac Homeless Shelter, ASTOP, Solutions Center, Back to School Supply Drive, and more.

Community Involvement

Fond du Lac Credit Union encourages community involvement and offers employees up to 12 hours of pay annually to volunteer for an approved organization of their choice. The credit union also conducts many events to reward their members in the form of special celebrations, giveaways, discounts, and more!


In addition to credit union made donations, such as educational scholarships or sponsorships, FDLCU employees also contribute to a new charity every month. If you ever see an FDLCU employee wearing jeans on a Friday, it means they personally donated to that month’s charity, such as Sabish Elves, Back to School Drive, Family Resource Center, Boys and Girls Club, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and more.

FDLCU Scholarships

An education is an investment whether you’re looking at a technical college or a four-year university, let Fond du Lac Credit Union help you achieve your academic dreams with a scholarship.

Sticky notes shaped as speech bubbles with question marks over them.

Interested in Becoming a Member?

Learn more about the benefits of becoming a valued Fond du Lac Credit Union member.